
How To Create An Adsense Account With Youtube

In the world of YouTubing, the AdSense program by Google is the primary source of money-making. Especially, in this post, I will teach you how to create/add an AdSense account for YouTube Channel.

create adsense account for YouTube

There are many ways to earn money on YouTube, but AdSense is the easiest and simplest one for beginners.

To be frank, for a newbie YouTubers its looks like a long process to go. But it is simple as you think. However, some of them making mistakes while creating a YouTube AdSense account.

So, their account is getting delayed to approve or sometimes even getting rejected. To avoid all, read the below things.

Requirements before creating an AdSense account

  • Firstly, you need to have a YouTube channel, if not then start a new YouTube channel.
  • Your age must be above 18, unless, you can create in the name of your parent or guardian.

So hopefully, you have the above things in your hand. Let's dive into the process of creating an AdSense account.

Steps to Create a YouTube AdSense account

Firstly, go to your YouTube Channel . From there proceed,

  • YouTube Studio: YouTube Studio > Settings > Channel > Status and Features.
YouTube Monetization

From the above image, click the "Enable" button in the monetization box. Now proceed with the below steps here.

1. YouTube Partner Program

Now you will get an "Apply for Monetization" page. Here, you have to agree with the terms and conditions of the YouTube Partner program.

YouTube Partner Program

Then click on the "START" button of "Read and agree to the YouTube Partner Program terms."

YouTube Partner Program

Kindly read the terms carefully. Therefore, you sure about what are do's and don'ts in the YouTube Partner Program. Finally, click the "I accept" button.

  • Read on the YouTube policies and guidelines

So, now you have completed step 1 out of 4. After that, click the "START" button of the "Sign up for AdSense" step.

signup adsense account

2. Create YouTube AdSense Account

Instantly, you will redirect to your existing AdSense account if you have one already. Otherwise, kindly choose the G-mail account which is linked to your channel.

adSense new or existing account

AdSense is sure about only one account for a person. Suppose if you have more than one account, either one of your accounts will get rejected.

  • YouTube AdSense Earnings: Practical Guide to Earn More

So, choose the account even if the account has linked to any other medium such as a blog or other YouTube channels. AdSense will show the separate revenue section for each medium you have.

google adsense sign up

In the above image, you have seen the Signup page for the AdSense account. Moreover, you don't need to add your channel URL; it will automatically get by AdSense if you came from YouTube (if you've followed the above steps).

In addition to that, select your country and choose your customized help and performance suggestions. Here, the important one for monetization is country selection. Because based on the country, the revenue would be change.

For example, if you are from a country like the U.S, the CPC, CPM, and CTR would be high. Otherwise, India, Nepal, and other developing countries have less CPM, CPC, and other metrics compared to the U.S.

create adsense account

Yes, of course, read and accept the terms and conditions and then click the create an account button.

adsense payment details

Now you will be automatically redirected to the Payment address details page. Enter your complete address, phone number exactly as it is. Google is going to send your revenue through the payment of the cheque; therefore, you have to submit your address details correctly.

adsense payment details

Once you submit your payment address details, that's all; you successfully created your AdSense account for the YouTube channel. Google will review your account and send the approval notification within a week.

3. Types of Ads

Anyhow, you can set your monetization preferences by now it seems. Monetization is nothing but earning revenue from some work. Likely, YouTube monetization is the same as earning revenue from YouTube Ads. Click the START button of "Set monetization preferences."

how to monetize youtube channel

Ads on YouTube offers different types of Ad formats. Each has a different strategy to grab the audience's attention. Those formats are,

  • Display Ads (Mandatory, but for Desktop version only).
  • Overlay Ads (Desktop only).
  • Sponsored cards Ads (All devices).
  • Skippable Video Ads (All devices).
types of ads to display

Also, I recommend you to enable all types of ads because it will increase your revenue. You can change these settings at any time you need it.

4. Review by YouTube

The fourth step will be reviewed by YouTube once you achieve those requirements.

completed 3 steps of youtube monetization

Now, click the "Associated AdSense account" below on Step 2 (AdSense Requested).

assosicated adsense account

You will be redirected to the status of your AdSense account. Once AdSense approves it, the status will change to active. While reviewing, the status will be pending.

If you want to change any of your settings, you can go by clicking the change button at any time.

Also Read:

  • YouTube Niche Ideas for Your Channel in 202 0
  • How t o Set Up YouTube Channel for better traffic: Step-by-Step Guide

As a result, I hope you created a YouTube AdSense account. Firstly, focus on your channel niche, make quality content videos, and finally earn money from it. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask in the comment section.

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How To Create An Adsense Account With Youtube


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