How To Create A Private Server On Clash Of Clans
#1 Make your own CoC Private Server!
Junior Member
10-22-2014, 12:52 PM
Have you ever wanted to make your very own Clash of Clans Private Server or wanted to join someone's Server? Now you can! Android Tutorial :
Things you will need:
- Server Tool
- Hosts Editor
1. Download the server tool needed for the setup.
2. Extract the files to anywhere you like.
3. Open the ucs.exe to create a server and when it says "Server started, let's play Clash of Clans!", leave it open.
4. Now open the Start Menu, search for RUN, in run type command and press ok.
5. Now in the command prompt, type in ipconfig.
6. REMEMBER the IPv4 Address.
7. Now, open the Hosts Editor. You should see a host there, click on it and delete it.
8. Now, press the + button. In IP Address, put in the IPv4 Address from the Command Prompt. In Hostname, put in
9. Now leave the app open, and open the Clash of Clans app.
10. Congrats, you just made your own server!If your stuck at loading screen, please make sure you have turn OFF your firewall settings on your PC.
IOS Tutorial :
Things you will need:
- Server Tool
- iFile
1. Download the server tool needed for the setup.
2. Extract the files to anywhere you like.
3. Open the ucs.exe to create a server and when it says "Server started, let's play Clash of Clans!", leave it open.
4. Now open the Start Menu, search for RUN, in run type command and press ok.
5. Now in the command prompt, type in ipconfig.
6. REMEMBER the IPv4 Address.
7. Open iFile, and go to etc/hosts and open the hosts file with Text Viewer.
8. At the end of the file, type in "YOUR IP After that make a return line. Now save it.
9. Walah~ You made your own server! ERROR/BUGS INFORMATION :
- Can't save properly yet
- No Clan WarsIf you want to go back to normal CoC server, just delete the host from the hosts file or Hosts Editor or just close the server from your PC.
1. Change the IPv4 Address to the server address. EDIT SERVER CONFIGURATION :
1. Open the ucsconf.config
2. Restart the server. EDIT SERVER DATABASE :
1. The DB uses SQLite3.
2. Download SQLite browser either from DB Browser for SQLite or SQLiteStudio
3. Select your database with an "Open database" button and select ucsdb.
4. You'll see 2 tables. Clan & Player.
5. Select playertable and make changes.
6. Write your changes & restart UCS. OTHER PUBLIC SERVERS TO JOIN :
Check this link out. forumVirus Scans for uploaded server tool:
jottiVirus scans are false-positive. But if you don't trust it, don't download it
. I tried it already and have no problem.
Ultrapowa for server tool
Ahmed Egg youtube videoIf you have any problems comment and i will get back to you ASAP.
Pardon the adfly.
10-29-2014, 05:38 AM
nice tutorial
clash of clan private server hohoho!
How To Create A Private Server On Clash Of Clans
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