
How To Draw A Simple Scuba Diver

What is Scuba Diving?

scuba diving

Scuba diving is a unique water sport. People will habiliment equipment, including an oxygen tank and a animate tube called a regulator, and they volition dive underwater in oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. Scuba diving is not a highly competitive sport. The point of scuba diving is more exploration and for the purpose of seeing nature. Scuba diving is used to recover items that have fallen into bodies of water, to photograph and take video of sea life, to explore caves and underwater mysteries, and more. Scuba diving is not piece of cake only it can exist ane of the most satisfying activities to pick upwardly.


Scuba Diving History

Diving has existed around for thousands of years. The concept of "snorkeling" has been effectually since the aboriginal Greeks where people would put hollow establish stems in their mouth and let the other terminate float to the surface, allowing them to breathe. Freediving has besides been effectually for a very very long time. In the early 1800s British inventors created a arrangement where divers could breathe from a barrel of oxygen through a tube. In 1942 the modern day regulator was invented by Emile Gagnan and Jacques Cousteau, leading to modern solar day scuba diving. The equipment has evolved and at present is made and so that anyone can scuba dive.

Playing Surface

Scuba Diving Playing Surface

Scuba diving's playing surface is pretty much anywhere nether the water. You can scuba dive in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and even caves and pools if they're deep enough. At aquariums they utilise scuba defined to feed the fish and make clean the tanks sometimes, so even a fish tank tin can be a playing surface if information technology's big enough. Mostly the shallowest dives that aren't in a pool or tank are virtually 10 to xxx feet deep. The deepest dive ever was 35,853 feet.


Scuba Diving Equipment List

Scuba diving is all about equipment. The equipment you wear in scuba diving keeps y'all alive underwater. Buying skilful equipment will be expensive but in the long run is worth it. If y'all buy all of your equipment you tin can easily spend $10,000 to $50,000 total. However, you tin can rent a lot of this equipment per dive. There are tons of extra pieces of equipment but these are the basics.

  • Oxygen Tank: Holds oxygen
  • Regulator: Brings oxygen from the tank to your mouth
  • BCD: An inflatable vest that controls your depth
  • Mask: Helps you see underwater
  • Fins: Help you lot motion underwater and swim
  • Wetsuit: Keeps you lot warm underwater
  • Depth Estimate: This tells you how deep you are
  • Pressure guess: Shows how much oxygen is in your tank
  • Octopus/Secondary Regulator: In case you or someone else needs emergency oxygen
  • Swoop reckoner: Tells y'all information similar time, depth and GPS


Scuba Diving Gameplay

Scuba diving is different from other sports in that there is no set gameplay. Every single swoop is unique. However, there are some trends and types of dives.

Open Water Diving: The most mutual type of diving. Normally off of a boat. Very gratuitous. Mostly for fun and to explore bounding main/sea life.

Rescue Diving: Only for professional divers. This is to save people who might exist drowning or to recover dead bodies/other things from underwater. More often than not used past police or the military machine.

Technical Diving: Diving that surpasses 130ft below the water. Merely for experts and professionals.

Wreck Diving: One of the most fun kinds of diving. Allows y'all to explore a shipwreck underwater.

Cave Diving: Diving through caves and exploring small areas that are inaccessible above water.

Shore Diving: Unlike open water diving where y'all dive from a boat in shore diving you walk into the water from the shore and leave on the shore.

The Buddy System

Scuba Diving Buddy System

For well-nigh people, the most important thing they need to know when diving is the buddy system. The buddy system is essential for safety. The purpose of a buddy is that you lot have someone to bank check in on yous in instance anything goes incorrect. Firstly, you should always be able to run into your buddy. That way, you volition not be left solitary under the water. Secondly, if there's an emergency like your regulator breaking or running out of oxygen your buddy is the person who volition give you a secondary regulator and assist you.

Regulations and Certifications

Diving is one of the unique sports that requires a license before you participate. The most basic 1 you tin get is your open up water diving certification. The most well known certification company is PADI. For the most part if you become to a dive store, make sure the store is PADI certified and brand sure you're getting in contact with the shop a few weeks before you plan on going to swoop. That is because the first thing they will do is transport you a long PADI manual that you will have to read and larn.

From at that place, you will do some training exercises, nearly likely in a puddle, to practise emergency situations and how to utilize your equipment. Y'all will demand to demonstrate some basic skills like removing h2o from your mask and finding your regulator if it accidentally gets knocked out. Finally you volition need to keep 2 dives with your training teacher where you will also have to consummate some skills like y'all did in the pool. When y'all finish all of that you will have finished. The instructor will submit your results to PADI and they will mail you an ID card.

Dive Masters

Scuba Diving Dive Masters

If yous're a beginner diver then information technology is really important to find a diving shop with good dive masters. Dive masters are people who have been diving for a really long fourth dimension and are trained to supervise scuba diving trips for yous and for other people. Dive masters have their own PADI Certification course and they are qualified to give your tests and tell PADI that yous tin receive your certification. Dive masters usually will take care of your gear, setting it up for y'all. They volition know the dive sight and will keep you safe while besides showing y'all the interesting nature effectually you.

Lingo and Terminology

Scuba Diving Lingo and Terminology

Scuba lingo is interesting considering at that place are two kinds. First of all there is regular spoken lingo. Secondly, in that location are mitt signals. Underwater yous plainly can't speak so there are diving hand signals that every diver has to learn to communicate with other divers.

Ascent: Going towards the surface

Descent: Going away from the surface

Backroll: Entering the h2o off of a gunkhole by falling backwards

DCS: Decompression sickness or "the bends"

Entry: Getting into the h2o

No fly: The catamenia after diving where yous cannot wing in an aeroplane

Hand Signals

Rising or Going Upward: A fist with the thumb pointing upwardly. THIS IS NOT A THUMBS Upwards. In diving this does not hateful "okay" or "good" similar it ordinarily does.

Descent or Going Down: A fist with the thumb pointing down. THIS IS NOT A THUMBS Downwardly. In diving this does non mean "bad" like it normally does.

Out of Air Emergency: This signal is for emergencies if you're out of air. Past taking your hand and cutting in front of your throat you can let people know you're out of air then they can come and requite you emergency air.

Life Threatening Emergency: Waving i arm in a higher place the caput repeatedly. The

"Something is Wrong": Sticking your hand out flat and shaking it side to side means something is wrong. You usually back-trail this by pointing at what is wrong. If it's your ears you lot do the hand signal and point at your ears. This hand point is only for when something is wrong simply your life is non in firsthand danger.

"Everything is Okay": Thumb and index finger making a circle with the other 3 fingers pointed out. This is the most used paw signal. If you lot're diving with a divemaster they'll most likely flash this at you periodically. If something is wrong yous exercise the "something is incorrect" sign. Just if everything'south okay you employ this.

Skills and Techniques

Scuba Diving Skills and Techniques

There are tons of skills and techniques in scuba diving. There is a reason that the PADI beginners handbook is a few hundred pages long. However there are a few basic skills that are of import to learn.

Calm Down: This is the nearly important thing yous can learn. In any situation, relaxing and slowing your breathing will assist. Diving is one of the less physically enervating sports. Every bit a beginner you barely even have to kick or swim. If you learn to relax and have slow breaths you will savour the dive more. Not only that but the dive will final longer considering you won't be breathing as much air.

Interruption: Different in other sports where yous don't have time to call back in scuba diving, stopping to think might just save your life. When you outset get your equipment, pause and make sure yous have everything. Earlier you dive, pause and test all of your equipment. When something feels wrong pause earlier making sure you lot tin can identify the problem. When you're surfing, intermission and make sure there are no boat propellers above you. Brand sure you are surfacing safely.

Communicate: Advice is key in scuba diving. Whether you're just with a buddy or diving in a big group with a divemaster make certain that you're communicating. Even if nothing is wrong, wink the "okay" signal at your buddy and await to make certain that they requite it back to you.

Ho-hum Rising and the Rubber Terminate: An incredibly of import part of scuba diving is the dull rising. This ensures that you don't modify pressure too quickly. If you exercise it can create air bubbling in your blood, also known every bit the bends. At its worst this can exist fatal. Most divers will do a three minute prophylactic stop. This ways that while you arise you lot stop at a certain point, commonly about 15 feet below the surface. This cease lets the air get out of your claret and let's yous conform before you brand the final ascent to the surface.

Scuba Diving Brands

Scuba Diving Brands

Since scuba diving is such an equipment intensive sport it's only natural that at that place are lots of different scuba diving brands.

Scuba Divers

scuba divers

Scuba defined are not the same every bit athletes of nearly other sports. They do not compete confronting each other and almost of them are non famous. The most well known scuba defined dive for photography or to behave experiments or for other purposes like that. Divers who have advanced the field or take done an extraordinary amount of dives are the ones that are well known.

Jacques Cousteau "Begetter of Scuba Diving"
Jean Michel Cousteu Environmentalist and early diver
Sylvia Earle National Geographic Scientist
John Cronin Founder of PADI
Mel Fisher "World'south Greatest Treasure Hunter"

Scuba Diving Events

Scuba Diving Events

There aren't scuba diving events as at that place are events for other sports. However, there are other types of events like expos that people can go to to learn nigh innovations in scuba diving, to buy new and improved gear and to see experts. Additionally there are group dives all the fourth dimension from local dive shops to bigger groups. This is including the biggest group dive ever, which occured in 2009 in Indonesia when ii,486 defined all dove together.

Scuba Diving Books

Scuba Diving Books

Championship Author
Shadow Defined Robert Kurson
The Final Swoop Bernie Chowdhury
Manfish Jennifer Berne
Scuba Diving Safety Dan Orr

Scuba Diving Websites

Scuba Diving Websites


What is Scuba Diving?

Scuba diving is a hobby and sport that involves using an oxygen tank to breathe underwater for a period of time while swimming effectually.

Is scuba diving hard?

Scuba diving itself can be pretty easy. Learning to dive is a fiddling more than complicated and there are a few things to call up when diving safely. If y'all dive with a divemaster though it ends upwards beingness pretty easy.

What is the purpose of scuba diving?

Scuba diving tin can take many purposes. The almost popular purpose of scuba diving is to detect nature. Other purposes include rescue diving, technical diving and scientific diving.

What exercise you lot need to scuba dive?

You lot need quite a few things to swoop. First you need a license. The most popular licensing company is PADI simply there are other options. In terms of equipment you demand quite a bit only the basics are a mask, a regulator, an oxygen tank and a BCD.


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