
Reelfoot Lake Duck Blind Drawing Map


Even before the drastic changes voted on by the wildlife commission this spring to dramatically change the manner and means of drawing duck blinds on wildlife management areas under control of Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency there were dark clouds on the horizon.

More than just a few waterfowlers were concerned and downright mad at the way the agency pushed through changes on drawings for public duck blinds and the stage was set for a public relations quagmire for Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

Some within the agency may have under estimated the problematic changes or the potential tsunami of discontent that was brewing. To have this computer draw issue arise is insult to injury.

An announcement earlier this week from TWRA says there were errors in the draw and mistakes were made. In summary, the ducks have come home to roost, bringing with them some very damaging problems for the agency among the ranks of many waterfowlers who are crying foul and fowl, so to speak!

The whole scenario has been a fragile, sore spot that was sure to fester once season arrived and the dramatic changes were implemented that upset the applecart across many wildlife management areas where somewhat crowded blinds already exist.

Gone are the days of the open public duck blind drawing events that were quite popular among the ranks. Some didn�t like it and wanted a computer draw, which they got. Now the computer draw has resulted in a big snafu that has duck hunters quacking throughout their ranks as to why the agency couldn�t police its new computer drawing system that was farmed out to an independent company.

It�s a muddy mess that�s not likely to dry up anytime soon.

There�s a little more to what happened as the details of the errors are not thoroughly addressed in the news release below according to some hunters who are in the know. Watch for more to come out on both social media and articles in the weeks ahead and no doubt from the agency

While TWRA is in damage control mode on this current issue it will be interesting to see how this saga unfolds for the present and future scenario regarding the draw for public hunting blinds on wildlife management issues.

Right now the decades of open public drawings that drew big crowds across the state that were criticized as unfair suddenly don�t look too bad after all!

Meanwhile, here a short news release from TWRA on the situation at hand: The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) released the following statement this week regarding the recent waterfowl blind drawing in Tennessee:

.�The TWRA is committed to a fair and equitable lottery for duck hunters in Tennessee,� said TWRA Executive Director Bobby Wilson. �While this year�s drawing met those criteria, it has come to our attention that the random method used by our vendor for the drawing process unintentionally varied from the information provided to the public. Despite the different application process, the drawing still operated in a fair and random manner, and neither draw method would have guaranteed success for any applicants.

�This is an unfortunate circumstance, however, given that hunters are already acting upon the results in preparation for the season, a redraw is not possible at this time. The TWRA is conducting a thorough internal examination into the administration of the drawing, and all corrective actions taken ahead of the next drawing in October. The TWRA plans to present findings at the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission�s public meeting on September 16, 2021.�

The statement from the vendor, Brandt Information Services, can be found here:


The application period for the 2021-22 season-long (Tier 1) duck blinds is now underway and will close July 21 with results announced in early August. All applications must be submitted through Significant changes have been made to public land duck hunting this year to increase opportunities for all duck hunters.

For season-long blinds (Tier 1) on public lands, most things will remain like the 2020-21 season. Application and drawings will be computerized and lottery-style with results emailed. Applicants may form parties and each member�s name will be included in the lottery, parties of 8 will have 8 chances, etc.

Blind construction timing and requirements for season-long (Tier 1) blinds have slight modifications, mainly that walls of blinds must now be solid material. For complete details, including WMA maps of locations, please visit the TWRA website.

This fall there is a completely new quota hunt opportunity for duck hunters to apply for 3, 4, or 7-day hunts. There will 42 Tier 2 locations and 10 Tier 3 locations in addition to the 432 total Tier 1 sites.

Hunters can apply for Tier 2 and 3 permits online in the quota hunt system (like the existing deer/turkey quota system) beginning Oct. 6. To further increase the opportunity for hunters to obtain a permit during duck season, there will be three application periods (early, mid, late) as well as the ability to receive priority points if a hunter is not selected. More details about Tier 2 and 3 locations including WMA area maps are located on the TWRA webpage.

For Tier 1, 2 and 3 sites, applications must be submitted through or any TWRA license agent. No mail-in applications are accepted. When applying through the website, it is critical to include an email address for your account. All notifications will arrive only by email. You can log into your account at any time and see hunts you applied for, permits you were awarded, and your priority points balance.

The changes were made following recommendations made by the TWRA to the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission to increase opportunities for duck hunters on public land.

More information on public land duck hunting opportunities and application dates and processes can be found at


The Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission passed an emergency rule to provide a different procedure for issuing duck blinds this year to help protect public health due to Covid-19. The action came Friday at the June meeting of the commission held at the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency�s Region II Ray Bell Building.

The handheld drawings usually result in large crowds gathering at the various sites. A computerized drawing will be held instead of a handheld drawing for 12 wildlife management areas and applications can be submitted at from July 2-26. Results will be available by Aug. 1 and successful hunters will receive an electronic blind permit. Additional details concerning this year�s process will be coming soon

In addition, TWRA will also hold a computerized drawing for all sandhill crane tags and not conduct the traditional in-person drawing for the Southeast Sandhill Crane Zone tags. The application period will be Sept. 2-23 on More information will also be available in the coming weeks.

An update on chronic wasting disease (CWD) was given. Chuck Yoest, TWRA�s CWD Coordinator, said the Agency is in the process of finalizing procurement for the incinerator to be placed in Unit CWD. It will be located at the Fayette County Landfill in Somerville.

In partnership with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA), the TWRA is continuing disposal planning for this fall. In, addition, an extensive effort will begin to recruit landowners in strategic CWD areas to supplement hunter harvest to help best manage CWD. Other planning includes developing a comprehensive budget for CWD and preparing to provide CWD testing opportunities to hunters for the deer they harvest this fall.

Fisheries Chief Frank Fiss presented an overview of angler recognition programs. The Tennessee Angler Recognition Program (TARP) started in 2003 and recognizes trophy-sized fish as well as first catches. To date, more than 7,000 entries have identified some of the best waters to fish in the state. Anglers can look to the TWRA website to learn more about these programs and where trophies are being caught.

Jenifer Wisniewski, Outreach and Communications Chief, reported on R3 (Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation) during the Covid-19 pandemic. People are returning to or trying hunting and fishing for the first time this year, and we can see that in the increase in the number of fishing and hunting licenses sold so far.

There are several projects on the horizon including brand partnerships, advancing CWD communications, an online store, event system, and continuing outreach and marketing efforts.

The TFWC�s next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 20-21 in Kingsport.

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Reelfoot Lake Duck Blind Drawing Map


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